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- Pregame note: apparently, cleanup hitters aren't known for a lot of walks and strikeouts.
- If you're reading this blog, cheers to you, Scotty.
- Hey, it's Doogie Howser! I can't believe I actually remember that.
- Now I definitely don't think "James Loney" when I think "cleanup hitter". Sure, he's a 1st baseman and they are often cleanup hitters but Loney is not that guy.
- Groundball #1
- Home run! Ethier says, "F' your stats! This is for the old scout."
- Webb is having some sick movement on his pitches so far. Probably too much. A lot of balls are up to the Dodgers this inning.
- "Consistent" mention #1.
- GB #2 followed by another home run.
- Berroa: he of the 50 OPS+ this season showing why.
- There's #3, an infield single.
- Ah forget counting groundballs. You can look it up on Gameday. :P I'll still count "consistent/consistency/consistently". That was no.2 and 3 there. As soon as I say it, Webb gets the DP.
- Anyone else find it funny that the D-backs have traded for both a popular MSM target (Dunn) and darling (Eckstein)? It's the yin-yang of baseball transactions.
- Woot! A numbnut on the field! (why people do that, I'll never figure it out)
- You do realize that veterans can be inconsistent as well? Not sure that young players as a whole are more inconsistent.
- For tonight, Lowe has more "power" behind his sinker. Webb hasn't even touched 90 since the first while Lowe has.
- "Choking dogs". Is that you, Plaschke?
- Explain that swing, Loney. Yikes.
- You might want to update that score.
- Looks as though Ledezma is reprising the role of "well-traveled lefty" with Arizona now. His 4th team in 14 months.
- Yeah, they have done well against the NL West. That means they are likely to be better. Don't say they will.
- Would you believe that the Angels' magic number is just 9 already?
- Here's the "blowout game" banter fans know and love.
- Man, Gammons gets everything.
- He would mention those Big Red Machine Reds, wouldn't he?
- Um, where did that come from? Of course not everyone can play 2nd base.
- He just had to get Sheffield in there.
- Someone wasn't paying attention to how many outs there were.
- Look deep into these eyes:

- Um, way to tease us.
- An NL MVP discussion without Albert Pujols fails at life. Finally, Jon Miller brings us some sanity. Phat Albert thanks you. Berkman and Utley still await dap.
- Will someone finally start comparing Reynolds to Kingman instead of comparing Dunn to Kingman?
- Wait, they're actually considering Santana? BUT HE DOESN'T HAVE TEH WINZ!!!
- There's plenty of irony there: a mention of Walter Cronkite School of Journalism on ESPN. A school named after a trusted reporter talked about while there's a man in a booth whom people can't trust with something as relatively trivial (considering other matters) as sports.
- Well said, Jon.
- Now that is an RBI that has plenty of value.
- I suppose you could give Wills some "changed the game" credit. Still, I would not wait with bated breath for Wills getting inducted.
- Here's the legend of Jonathan Broxton again making a Sunday Night appearance.
- Btw, that LaRoche "hit" was an error. Hit my ass.
- Joe seemed much more Morganesque tonight than the other three games I've covered on here. I blame David Eckstein!
- Game over. Dodgers win 8-1. Thanks for another edition of the live blog. Look forward to next week's Phillies-Mets clip. That should be rife with Jon and Joe goodness.
This is one good-looking team.
I mean Arizona. Except for like, Webb.
Speaking of good-looking teams, yeah I'm stunned, too.
And by good-looking I mean attractive to female eyes, not necessarily well-playing.
Also not Dunn either. Ew.
Joe HAD to start talking about Delgado for MVP. Now I have to clean up this puke that got everywhere.
I suppose you could give Wills some "changed the game" credit. Still, I would not wait with bated breath for Wills getting inducted.
If Joe Morgan ran the Veterans Committee like Frankie Frisch did, the results would be about just as bad.
I wonder what current player would be akin to Rick Ferrell if they got elected. Ausmus?
Dan Wilson?
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