Lebron James is the 2009 NBA MVP. No surprise here, he was obviously the right choice for the award, and not because of the everlasting intangible-infested reasons cited on Around The Horn today. He was the right choice because he had the most Win Shares ever for an NBA player in a single season who is not named Michael Jordan. He also had the best PER (Player Efficiency Rating) in basketball, right in front of Dwayne Wade and Chris Paul. It perplexes me as to how it took so long for James to get this first MVP, since he's arguably been the most valuable player for the past few seasons.
Congratulations on the award, King James. It's just too bad you'll have to wait at least another year for that other trophy.
LBJ MVP ... get used to hearing that ...
that shirt is great! i saw it on tv during the Detroit series http://twitpic.com/4kb9d
Pretty sure LBJ is a former president...from TEXAS. We probably shouldn't take a great leadr's name in vain like that
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